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News from Life Balance Acupuncture

Dear Patient Community,

This year and I hear you all sighing, has been relentless in many ways. Many of us have had to face not only external but also personal challenges. I do hope though everyone of you is well and ready to leave the warm season behind. I take this email as an opportunity to touch base with you because I have not seen you in a while and I miss you in my small acupuncture clinic community.

COVID still has us in its grip and it doesn’t seem we will get much relief this year. The numbers are still high, even higher than in the beginning, the students are still housebound with all the problems that brings to families and we are still socially isolating ourselves. Just yesterday I have become aware that the next couple of months my family usually goes to theater, dance and music events, friends gatherings to celebrate the season and Holidays…a lot...but this year all this will not be happening and it makes me sad. It will be lonely in some ways.

Here in the clinic I developed early on a routine my patients and I feel comfortable with. Changes such as not using the waiting room anymore, guiding the patient from the outside directly to the treatment room, cleaning the surfaces constantly, changing linens all the time and using an UV light to kill off all critters in the air have helped to keep the environment as healthy as possible. So far, we have been lucky; there is not one case of COVID occurrence among my patients.

The dynamics here have been very different. Some of you have come back, some not, a lot of new patients have arrived, some couldn’t get other medical attention or appointments, some just heard about acupuncture being helpful for their ailments. I welcomed it all and I feel lucky that my clinic “survived” fairly healthy.

Cold, windy and damp weather will arrive; we already got a whiff of it! It is time to take precautions and I like to encourage you to take measures to improve and strengthen your immune system, so you don’t have to live in fear to get sick. You can do this with taking supplements so don’t forget your Vitamin D!!!, or Chinese herbal formulas, or just call to get recommendations. Of course, you are always welcome to come for treatments as well.

Again, I hope this finds you in good spirits, I am wishing you well,

Manuela with Life Balance Acupuncture

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